TWAS Young Affiliates Network (TYAN)

TWAS Young Affiliates Network has been a Member of the International Science Council since 2023.

Fostering the next generation of scientists in the developing world is one of the strategic priorities of TWAS. Ten years ago, TWAS launched a program “TWAS Young Affiliates” to recognize the most accomplished young scientists in various regions of the developing world. Each year, TWAS, in collaboration with five TWAS Regional Offices, select up to 25 outstanding young scientists under the age of 40 as TWAS Young Affiliates, for a period of 6 years. After 6 years, they become Alumni. To date, there are more than 350 TWAS Young Affiliates and Young Alumni from 80 countries.

TWAS Young Affiliates are selected at a time of their career when they bring valuable energy and perspective to the Academy. To maximize the impact of the creativity and intellectual skills of TWAS Young Affiliates, a network of all TWAS Young Affiliates (TYAN) was proposed and established to augment the interactions and cooperation among TWAS Young Affiliates. At the 27th TWAS General Meeting in Rwanda, an Executive Committee with geographical and gender balance was elected by the Young Affiliates to oversee TYAN activities. Since then the network has been engaged in a number of activities and initiatives towards advancing the developing world and young scientists. 

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