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El Salvador, Vice Ministry of Science and Technology of El Salvador

The Vice Ministry of Science and Technology has been a member since 2013.

The Vice Ministry of Science and Technology (Viceministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología de El Salvador) was created in June 2009 by Executive Decree (No 12, Article 1) as part of the Ministry of Education. It was created to introduce educational technology in schools in the country and link the technological, scientific, education and productivity in the country.

Its mission is to introduce activity for science, technology and innovation in the country, contributing to other instances of the Ministry of Education, to provide professional capacity for the creation and use of knowledge; to further define and elaborate the National Policy for Scientific and Technological Development.  This is supported by consultation and technological forecasting in conjunction with other Ministries, agencies and national institutional platforms; to enable and facilitate the development of scientific, technological and innovation research that impacts positively and significantly on the quality of life of the Salvadoran population.

In this sense, actions aimed at the introduction of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) as a tool in the teaching process are being developed – learning, the introduction of the focus on Science, Technology and Innovation ( CTI) in education, attention to students with outstanding performance and superior technical and technological education

In the area of research, in 2010, two research centres were created: the Scientific Research Centre of El Salvador (CICES) and the National Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities (CENISCH) and the Technology Park were created in agribusiness (PTA, 2013) and the creation of a Technology Park in Exact Sciences and Engineering is planned.  The National Innovation System has also been formed, as have legal instruments for the development of science, technology and innovation: Law on Scientific and Technological Development, National Policy Innovation, Science and Technology and a National Plan for a Scientific Agenda and Technology. Instruments have been created for the governance of CTI, such as the Interministerial Committee of Science, Technology and Innovation, and the Advisory Council of the Interministerial Committee and Coordination Committee of CTI.

Image by kjpargeter on Freepik

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