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International Peace Research Association (IPRA)

IPRA has been a member since 1972.

The International Peace Research Association (IPRA) is the largest and most established global professional organization in the field of peace research, a field that is addressed from a wide range of interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary perspectives.

Purpose and Objectives

IPRA’s mission is to advance research into the conditions of peace and the causes of war and other forms of violence. The Association engages in global cooperation for the advancement of peace research by:

• Promoting national and international studies and teaching for pursuit of world peace,
• Facilitating global contacts among scholars and educators
• Encouraging the global dissemination of research results through scientific publications and information on other peace research activities.
• Directing the attention of scientists and practitioners to emerging aspects of peace research

Core Values

• Quality Scientific Research and Education
• Originality and Creative Thinking
• Equity and Diversity
• Global Cooperation and Inclusion
• Gender Equality and Respect for Human Rights

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