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International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS)

IUBS has been a member since 1925.

The International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) was founded in 1919 to promote the study of biological sciences: to initiate facilitate and coordinate research, capacity building and other scientific activities necessitating international, interdisciplinary cooperation; to ensure the discussion and dissemination of the results of cooperative research, particularly in connection with IUBS scientific programmes; to promote the organization of international conferences and assist the publication of their reports.

The IUBS scientific programmes are of an interdisciplinary nature; they are undertaken in collaboration with the national scientific authorities and in cooperation with other international organizations, both intergovernmental (UNESCO, UNEP, FAO, EC, etc.) and non-governmental. These programmes address issues in integrative biology, biodiversity, bioethics, biotechnology, bio-indicators, biological education, biological nomenclature, biosystematics, reproductive biology and aquaculture, biological complexity and other fields. IUBS publishes a quarterly journal, Biology International, which channels information on the Union’s programmes and activities to the IUBS Members and cooperating institutions and individuals.

The membership of IUBS presently consists of 44 ordinary members, adhering through Academies of Sciences, National Research Councils, national science associations or similar organizations, and 80 scientific members, all of which are international scientific associations, or societies and organizations in the various biological disciplines.

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