Dr. José Rubiera, a world-renowned meteorologist and expert of the Cuban National Meteorology Institute, visited El Salvador this past June 23rd to June 30th. Dr. Rubiera was the keynote speaker in a handful of lectures, and met with several government officials.
During the week of June 23rd to June 30th, 2018, Dr. José Rubiera, expert of the Cuban National Meteorology Institute, visited El Salvador to give several lectures on several topics regarding climate and weather in El Salvador. This happened in coordination with El Salvador’s Ministry of the Interior, and inside ISC ROLAC’s program of Disaster Risk Reduction. One of the lectures was “Prediction and monitoring of climatic phenomena and dissemination of hurricane information” at the Crown Plaza Hotel, in San Salvador, El Salvador. The activity was inaugurated by Dr. Manuel Limonta, regional director of ISC ROLAC, who thanked the Minister of the Interior, Lic. Aristides Valencia; the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Environment, Dr. Ángel Ibarra; and Lic. Jorge Melendez, Director of “Protección Civil”(civil protection in spanish). Dr. Limonta highlighted the interest of the ROLAC Secretariat to continue fostering activities such as this, in the frame of the Disaster Risk Reduction priority area. Then, Lic. Aristides Valencia, thanked all the organizers, and briefly explain how this activity was of great interest for the country.
Information about Dr. Rubiera
He was born on January 29, 1946 in Jaruco, Province of Havana, Cuba. He began his working life in the former Forecasting Department of the Institute of Meteorology (INSMET) in 1974. He graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in meteorology in 1975 from the University of Havana, and held the position of Chief of Operational Turn of that department of INSMET. In 1982-83 he carried out post-graduate studies in the USSR in the specialty of short-term weather forecasting. He attended post-graduate studies in USA in “Forecasts of Hurricanes (1989)” and again in the USSR (1990) on “Forecasts of Time in the Medium Term”. In 1991 he obtained the Scientific Degree of Doctor in Geographical Sciences with his thesis work “Prognosis of Precipitation in 5 days “.He is Academic of Honor of the Academy of Sciences of Cuba. Holds the title “Honorary of Work Hero of the Republic of Cuba”, the maxim civil decoration of the country. He is the representative of Cuba before the Hurricane Committee of the Regional Association IV of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) since 1989, he was elected his vice president in 1991 and has been reelected to date.