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ISC Governing Board meets in Beijing, China

The International Science Council Governing Board meet this week in Beijing, China, where members of the Board will participate in events bringing together key stakeholders from research and development in China and across the world.

Members of the ISC Governing Board will gather in Beijing, China, this week, for their fifth face-to-face meeting. As part of discussions, they will participate in a special session on developments in China related to international science, together with representatives of the Bureau of International Co-operation at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the Chinese Association for Science and Technology (CAST), and the Alliance of International Scientific Organizations (ANSO).

China is today a scientific superpower, backed by major investments in research and development and a national strategy for innovation-driven economic development. China has overtaken the United States as the world’s largest producer of scientific articles, according to the latest statistics compiled by the US National Science Foundation, publishing 426,000 articles in 2016. Beijing is therefore a fitting backdrop for two major events that will take place this week: the World Forum on Science and Technology Development (WFSTD), and the 2019 World Conference on Science Literacy (WCSL). At the WFSTD, ISC President Daya Reddy will give the opening address, followed by a keynote speech by ISC Chief Executive Officer Heide Hackmann. Reddy will also give a keynote speech at the following Conference of Science Literacy (WCSL).

Keep an eye on this page for further details and presentations from the two events. ISC Members will receive an email update on the key discussions from the Board Meeting in due course.

View ISC CEO Heide Hackmann’s presentation to the World Science and Technology Development Forum

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