Bonnie Carroll

Bonnie Carroll

Founder and Chief Data Officer

Information International Associates, Inc. (IIA)

Involvement at the ISC

  • Member of the Committee for Outreach and Engagement.


Bonnie C. Carroll, Founder of Information International Associates, Inc. (IIa), has supported government, academia and industry in managing information as a strategic resource for almost 5 decades. She serves on the US National Academy of Sciences’, Board of Research Data and Information, and is the Secretary General of CODATA. She staffed two US White House Interagency Working Groups in Biodiversity Informatics and Digital Data. She has extensive experience in organization planning and analysis. For over three decades, she has helped two major U.S. agencies restructure their information exchange programs. She had a principle role in international development projects, including one to help develop a national information policy for the Kingdom of Jordan (a joint Jordanian Technical Information Center/World Bank project) has done special studies for the International Atomic Energy Agency, and a pilot project to develop telematics services to the Eastern Caribbean. She is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and serves on its Council. Ms. Carroll has written and presented extensively on information policy, information strategy, and planning for scientific and technical information management. Ms. Carroll is on the editorial board for the journal Information Services and Use. She has an MS from Columbia University and a BA from Cornell University. Her experience working across organizational lines and international boundaries in different subject areas helps her understand the needs of various stakeholders in the public and private sectors.

This page has been updated in May 2024.

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