Diana Mangalagiu

Adjunct Professor

Sciences Po University

Involvement at the ISC

  • Member of the ISC High-level group appointed to lead the development of the ISC’s strategy in the intergovernmental system


Diana Mangalagiu has a dual background, in natural sciences (Ph.D. Artificial Intelligence, Ecole Polytechnique, MSc Physics) and social sciences (MSc Sociology, MSc Management). She has over two decades of research, teaching and advising experience in sustainability, long-term planning, risk governance and articulation of environmental and economic policies in corporate and public policy settings, addressed through modelling, stakeholder-based inquiry and foresight approaches. She authored numerous scientific articles and books in fundamental and applied areas, co-founded the Initiative for Science, Society and Policy Dialogue, co-chaired the pan-European Environmental Outlook of the UNEP, is a scientific board member of the Global Climate Forum, Integrated Risk Governance Project, SEI Initiative on Governing Bioeconomy and expert for IPBES. She leads and participates in advisory, research and development projects with national and regional governments, companies and World Bank, OECD and UN agencies.

This page has been updated in June 2024.

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