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Judi Wakhungu

Member of the ISC High-level group appointed to lead the development of the ISC’s strategy in the intergovernmental system

H.E Professor Judi Wakhungu EGH was appointed as the Ambassador of Kenya to the French Republic, Portugal, Serbia & Holy See in January 2018. In this diplomatic capacity, she serves as Kenya’s highest ranking representative with direct responsibility for stewarding negotiations and delivering essential bi-lateral messages on behalf of Kenya.

Professor Wakhungu served as Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Natural Resources (2013-2018), Executive Director of the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) in Nairobi (2002-2013). She was an Associate Professor, Science, Technology, & Society at the Pennsylvania State University and was the Director of the Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Institute.

She was the Technical Advisor to the Group Energy Management Assistance Program, World Bank (2010-2013), Research Director of the Global Energy Policy and Planning Program of the Toronto based International Federation of Institutes for Advanced Study (IFIAS). She also served as the Project Leader of the Renewable Energy Technology Dissemination Project of the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). She received a B.S. in Geology from St. Lawrence University, New York, an M.S. degree in Petroleum Geology from Acadia University, Canada, and a PhD in Energy Resources Management from Pennsylvania State University.

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