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Kunzang Choden

Asia Programme Manager

ISC Regional Focal Point for Asia and the Pacific

Involvement at the ISC

Kunzang is involved in assisting with the planning and implementation of activities and programmes specifically focusing on the priorities of ISC Asian member organizations.
It includes managing, and coordinating researchers, funding agencies and policy-makers in Asia to deliver the Asia Mission Science Hub, leading and managing time-bound programmes and activities, and organizing and coordinating meetings, workshops, and symposia.


Kunzang has a Msc in Environmental Studies from University of Tokyo, Japan and a PhD in Science (climate vulnerability assessment in forest based social-ecological system) from University of Melbourne, Australia. Prior to joining the Australian Academy of Science, Kunzang worked as the Chief Programme Manager for a multi-donor funded project called “Bhutan for Life”, which is the first project finance for permanence in Asia. She also worked with the Royal Government of Bhutan conducting research on emerging issues of climate change and biodiversity conservation.

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