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Maria J. Esteban

ISC Fellow (Dec 2022)

Maria J. Esteban is a mathematician, working as CNRS senior researcher at Université Paris-Dauphine. She is specialized in the analysis of partial differential equations and Mathematical Physics.

She has been president of the International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematical (ICIAM) and of the French Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SMAI).

Through her involvement in the ‘Forward Look for Mathematics in Industry’, funded by the European Science Foundation, she was one of the founding members of EU-MATHS-IN, which promotes the interaction of academic mathematicians and the industry at the European level. She was one of the participants in the creation of the Standing Committee for Gender Equality in Science.

She is an elected member of Jakiunde, the Basque Academy of Sciences and Letters, of the Academia Europaea and of the European Academy of Sciences (EURASC). She is also foreign member of the Royal Spanish and the Austrian Academies of Sciences and. She has been appointed as honorary doctor at the Universities of the Basque Country, Valencia and Heriot-Watt.

Among other awards, she has received the Blaise Pascal Medal of EURASC and the Jacques-Louis Lions Prize of the French Academy of Sciences.

The page has been updated in May 2024.

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