Robin Grimes

Robin Grimes is Steele Professor of Energy Materials at Imperial College. In his research, he uses computer simulation techniques to predict the behaviour of materials for energy applications including nuclear fission and fusion, fuel cells, batteries and solar cells. Robin is a Fellow of the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering.

Member of the Standing Committee for Freedom and Responsibility in Science 2022-2025

Robin Grimes

In 2018 he received the Luis Federico Leloir Award for International Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation, from the Argentinian Ministry of Science.  He publishes in technical science and policy journals.

Robin is the current UK Ministry of Defence, Chief Scientific Adviser (Nuclear) and thus principal adviser on nuclear science and technology matters.  From 2013 to 2018 he was Chief Scientific Adviser to the Foreign & Commonwealth Office during which time he establishing Science Diplomacy within the FCO.  He has led UK delegations on a variety of technical bilateral and multilateral negotiations and chaired S&I policy dialogues.  As a CSA he is responsible for providing science advice to government Ministers and officials and ensuring that policy is informed by and has access to the best scientific data & networks.  Amongst current duties he is co-chair of the Arak Working Group, the reactor modernisation project under the JCPOA and chair of the Arak Technical Engagement Group.  He is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies.

Photo: Duncan.Hull (CC BY-SA 4.0)

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