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Report, Strategy, planning and review

ISC Activity and Achievement Report: July 2018 to June 2021

This report is intended to give a comprehensive, synthetic overview of the breadth of activity and the productivity and achievements of the organization over three years.

This report should give a sense of the extent to which the ISC is succeeding in achieving its objectives and also of the circumstances that shape its activities and the resources on which it relies.

The report focuses on the Council’s global activities managed by the ISC Headquarters in Paris and does not systematically cover the activities of our regional offices or our co-sponsored and affiliated bodies.

We are pleased to be able to point to significant progress in four priority domains of impact and towards the ISC’s four strategic objectives, as well as appreciable evidence that we are growing stronger, more professional and more impactful as an organization.

The report complements the annual reports of 2018, 2019 and 2020, which are more detailed in their description of discrete projects and initiatives.

Activity and Achievement Report: July 2018 – June 2021

Executive summary of the Activity and Achievement Report

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