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ICSU and Universality of Science (2006)

Introduction Universality has been embedded in ICSU from the very beginning. Over time various dedicated structures and activities have been instigated to address the major...


Universality has been embedded in ICSU from the very beginning. Over time various dedicated structures and activities have been instigated to address the major challenges to scientific exclusion: restrictions on scientific freedom; obstacles to access to data and information; shortages of scientific capacity. These challenges are exacerbated in conditions of poverty and in developing countries and so particular efforts need to be devoted to those areas. ICSU has achieved much through its programmatic and dedicated activities in ensuring the inclusion of scientists from all countries in the international research endeavour.

ICSU and the Universality of Science:1957-2006 and beyond focuses on three over-lapping aspects of universality:

  • The Principle of Universality and freedom and responsibility in science
  • Access to scientific data and information
  • Strengthening science in developing countries