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Steering Committee appointed for the Science in Exile project

The twelve-member Steering Committee will provide leadership to the Science in Exile initiative and will oversee the implementation of its activities.

Science in Exile aims to create a network of like-minded organizations that will work together to develop and roll out a coordinated advocacy campaign to support and integrate refugee, displaced and at-risk scientists. The project is a collaboration is between The World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries (TWAS), the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) and the International Science Council under the umbrella of Science International.

The appointment of the Committee follows a call for nominations that received more than 60 responses. The twelve members of the Committee come from different regions of the world and are displaced scientists and/or represent academia, the scientific community, intergovernmental institutions, and organizations supporting at-risk, displaced and refugee scholars. The first meeting of the Committee will be held in July 2021.

All the Committee members are listed here.

Find out more about Science in Exile.

Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash

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