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Call for Expressions of Interest to Host the World Data System International Programme Office (Partial Submissions Allowed)

Owing to the exceptional circumstances the world is currently facing concerning the COVID-19 pandemic, the International Science Council now welcomes even partial submissions. The deadline for Expressions of Interest is Sunday, 31 July 2020.

The current hosting agreement with the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) in Tokyo, Japan, ends in March 2021. In light of this, the ISC and the World Data System Science Committee (WDS-SC) invite Expressions of Interest from interested parties to become a new host.

The establishment, funding model, and governance of the new office is expected to build on the examples of the current World Data System International Programme Office (WDS-IPO) and the recently established WDS International Technology Office. However, creative suggestions are welcomed, including partial or shared hosting, or other innovative solutions. More information can be found in the Hosting Call.

Expressions of Interest should be completed using this online form or by sending the form in the Call (pages 5–7) to, in either case no later than 31 July 2020. Please note that it is not expected for potential hosts to have precise details in place by this deadline; rather, they should state their interest and what they may be able to offer. Further negotiations will then take place between ISC and selected bidding organizations, in consultation with the WDS-SC, to finalize the hosting arrangements.

Do not hesitate to contact the WDS-IPO ( if you have any questions or if require clarifications. Please also disseminate this Call to other interested parties, as appropriate:

Call for Expressions of Interest

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