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Dr. Maggie Hartnett

Senior lecturer

Institute of Education, Massey University, New Zealand

Involvement at the ISC

  • Expert in the COVID-Education Alliance (COVIDEA)


Dr. Maggie Hartnett is a senior lecturer within the Institute of Education at Massey University where she teaches and coordinates the postgraduate digital education programmes. Her research focuses on digital education, particularly intersection of technologies and pedagogies and their influence on learners’ and teachers’ experiences, motivation, engagement and behaviour in technology enhanced, mediated and immersive learning contexts. Research interests include motivation and engagement in digital environments, digital inclusion and equity, support for digital learners and teachers, digital places and spaces of learning that encompasses new learning environments, emerging digital technologies including open digital badges, teacher and learner experiences in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), and the use of digital tools in learning. These research interests are not confined to formal learning settings but span a wide range of places and spaces for learning.

This page has been updated in June 2024.

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