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Priority Area Assessment on Environment and its relation to Sustainable Development (2003)

Introduction ICSU has identified the environment and its relation to sustainable development as a priority area in developing its strategic plan for the coming years....


ICSU has identified the environment and its relation to sustainable development as a priority area in developing its strategic plan for the coming years. In this regard, a Panel was appointed by the Committee on Scientific Planning and Review (CSPR) to perform a Priority Area Assessment (PAA); this strategic approach replaces the previous statutory requirements of the six-year periodic reviews of individual ICSU Interdisciplinary Bodies (IBs).

The approach of the Panel was to first develop a mission statement and theoretical framework, and then to focus the assessment on the environmental activities of the relevant IBs and Joint Initiatives (JIs; in the future jointly referred to as IBs), while leaving a more detailed analysis of the areas of Data and Information and Capacity Building to subsequent PAAs.The conclusions and recommendations from this analysis of the IBs have been primarily considered within the larger framework of the activities of ICSU’s National and Union Members and partner organizations.

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