The 16th Annual Session of Global Forum on Human Settlements & Sustainable Cities And Human Settlements

Theme: Accelerate Green Transformation and Innovation towards Healthy, Resilient and Carbon-neutral Cities
Add to Calendar 2021-10-27 00:00:00 UTC 2021-10-29 00:00:00 UTC UTC The 16th Annual Session of Global Forum on Human Settlements & Sustainable Cities And Human Settlements Theme: Accelerate Green Transformation and Innovation towards Healthy, Resilient and Carbon-neutral Cities

📅 27 – 29 October
👥 Format: Online + Offline + Webcasting

What to expect

  1. Forum discussion: opening ceremony, keynote speech, high-level dialogue, mayors’ panel, thematic sessions, recommendations and summaries
  2. Closed-door meeting on investment and cooperation
  3. Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements Awards Ceremony 2021
  4. Site visit to sustainability projects

Event’s objectives

To facilitate effective conversation and action: the forum aims to provide a valuable global platform for high-level dialogue and for sharing innovative approaches, strategies, technologies and successful experience on green recovery and transition.

  1. To strengthen urban safety, inclusiveness and resilience: the forum seeks to offer practical solutions to how healthy, resilient and carbon-neutral cities should be planned, designed, financed, developed, governed and managed, so as to enhance safety, resilience, inclusiveness and sustainability in diverse urban systems.
  2. To foster partnership on sustainable development: the forum is designed to strengthen capacity building, cultivate new type partnerships, foster urban innovation, accelerate effective actions, and to drive progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, the New Urban Agenda and Paris Agreement.
  3. To highlight best practices: the forum is expected to recommend a batch of best practices that can serve as role model on green transformation and innovation and sustainable urban development.


Dignitaries from numerous countries, senior officials from the United Nations and other international organizations, city mayors and senior government representatives from developed and developing countries, business leaders, planners and designers, practitioners from the sectors of environmental protection, building and construction, energy, transportation, blue economy, tourism, investment and trade, well-known experts and scholars, civil society representatives, outstanding women and children.


Global Forum on Human Settlements (GFHS)

Add to Calendar 2021-10-27 00:00:00 UTC 2021-10-29 00:00:00 UTC UTC The 16th Annual Session of Global Forum on Human Settlements & Sustainable Cities And Human Settlements Theme: Accelerate Green Transformation and Innovation towards Healthy, Resilient and Carbon-neutral Cities
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