Prof. Winfried Blum

2021 Science-for-Policy Award Laureate

Prof. (em.) Dr. Blum is a highly-established scholar in the field of soil science, receiving many awards for his work including 5 Honorary degrees. He is a prolific academic with rich teaching and research experience in different countries. He served as Secretary General of International Union of Soil Sciences for 12 years, organizing many important conferences, and proposed the creation of the World Soil Day. He founded ICSU’s Food Security Committee He has made outstanding contributions to the development of the discipline, the advancement of related policies, and has raised international awareness of soil science research and the need for sustainable soil management.

The 2021 Prize

All 2021 awardees received an original piece of art by scientific photographer Karl Gaff who specializes in microscopy art. Winfried Blum received ‘Rays of Dawn’.

Read more about Karl Gaff

> Learn more about the ISC Awards

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