Luisa Fernanda Echeverría-King

Director of Diplomacy and International Scientific Cooperation

Universidad Simón Bolívar in Barranquilla, Colombia

Involvement at the ISC

  • Member of the Liaison Committee of the ISC Regional Focal Point for the Latin American and Caribbean Region


Dr. Luisa F. Echeverría-King is Director of Diplomacy and International Scientific Cooperation at the Universidad Simón Bolívar in Barranquilla, Colombia. PhD. in Education from Universidad de Murcia (Spain); she is a researcher and consultant on issues related to international higher education, science diplomacy and capacity building in science, technology and innovation in Latin America. She was leader of internationalization at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia, International Relations Advisor of the National Training Service of Colombia (SENA) and International Cooperation Advisor of the National Ministry of Education (Colombia).

She was also Head of International Relations of Universidad del Atlántico. In 2020 she completed a Science Diplomacy Course in India; she is also a fellow of the Warsaw School of Science Diplomacy and the Brazilian School of Science and Innovation Diplomacy. AAAS and TWAS fellow (2021) for a course on Science Diplomacy with a perspective on Southern countries and DAAD fellow (2014) for a course on Internationalization Management. MASHAV fellow (2016) for a course on New Pedagogies in Higher Education. Executive Director of the Diplocientifica network. Founding member of the Colombian National Chapter of the Organization of Women in Science in the Developing World of UNESCO (OWSD). Member of the Liaison Committee of the Regional Focal Point for Latin America and the Caribbean of the International Science Council. Member of the Global Young Academy since 2023. She has a podcast on higher education, internationalization, science diplomacy and the development of science, technology and innovation systems, widely listened to in the Latin American region.

This page has been updated in May 2024.

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