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Open Science South Asian Network (OSSAN) conference 2022
Open Science for South Asia: Promoting DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility) in science, social science and humanities
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2022-09-05 00:00:00 UTC2022-09-08 00:00:00 UTCUTCOpen Science South Asian Network (OSSAN) conference 2022Open Science for South Asia: Promoting DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility) in science, social science and humanities https://council.science/events/open-science-south-asian-network-ossan-conference-2022/
The OSSAN 2022 Conference in South Asia is the first open science international conference organized by DST-CPR, IISc, Bangalore. The conference aims to foster open science in the region and to form a network of like-minded people. The conference is free and open to all – register by 1 September 2022.
Democratisation of Science
Citizen science
Traditional knowledge on the open platform
Open archives
Open science infrastructure
Responsible Research Assessment
Open Access, Open research data, Open Source
Open Science in Social sciences and humanities
Open Science frameworks and policies.
The ISC is organizing a panel session on Preprints- A Pathway to Open Access in the context of its work on the future of scientific publishing, together with:
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2022-09-05 00:00:00 UTC2022-09-08 00:00:00 UTCUTCOpen Science South Asian Network (OSSAN) conference 2022Open Science for South Asia: Promoting DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility) in science, social science and humanities https://council.science/events/open-science-south-asian-network-ossan-conference-2022/