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Foresight for new collaborative platforms to support LMIC science systems

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To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) it has become clear that we require systemic change across societies, and that as a consequence we need transformational pathways of development.

Changing pathways of development requires knowledge that is transformative, both in terms of its focus, and how it is produced and mobilized for impact and change.

But what kinds of science systems are needed to develop such knowledge?

This project explored how new global models of resource mobilization and new forms of collaboration between international funding agencies and science systems in low- and middle-income countries could generate the transformative knowledge required to achieve the SDGs.

The ISC acted as a partner to this ODI project in an advisory and steering role.

Activities and impact

This project was a pilot/exploratory initiative to trial a new package of methodologies and help build networks and communities of practices.

The main learnings from the project questions posed are organized into two sections:

  1. The main characteristics and challenges of current science systems.
  2. Shared visions about the future and actions required to move towards this desired direction.

Read the Technical Report (2022).

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