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ISC at the STI Forum 2019

Role of science and technology in ensuring inclusiveness and equality under the spotlight at annual multi-stakeholder meeting.

The International Science Council will participate in the fourth annual Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (STI Forum), which begins today at the United Nations in New York.

The annual STI Forum provides a venue for the science and technology community to explore opportunities for collaboration and to join efforts towards the development, transfer and take-up of relevant technologies for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The theme of the 2019 Forum is science, technology and innovation for ensuring inclusiveness and equality, with a special focus on SDGs 4 [Quality Education], 8 [Decent work and economic growth], 10 [Reduced Inequalities], 13 [Climate Action], and 16 [Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions].

The ISC has a role in the Forum through its Chief Executive Officer, Heide Hackmann, who is part of the 10-member group to support the Technology Facilitation Mechanism for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Together with the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO), the ISC organizes the Scientific and Technological Community Major Group activities, and will participate in a number of side events.

Catch up with the ISC Community at the following events:

Tuesday 14 May

  • 8:00-9:30: Heide Hackmann will speak at a side event organized by the InterAcademyPartnership (IAP) on ‘Improving Scientific Input To the SDGs: The National Science Academies As a Case Study For Institutional Strengthening’
  • 8:00-9:30: Lucilla Spini will speak at a side event on ‘The role of Engineering and Science Education in empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality’ organized by the ISC in partnership with WFEO, the Scientific and Technological Community Major Group and the Major Group on Children and Youth
  • 18:30-20:00: Heide Hackmann will speak at a side event organized by UNESCO on ‘Open Science – The Future of Science and Science for the Future’
  • 18:30-20:00: Lucilla Spini will speak at a side event organized by IIASA on ‘The Digital Revolution and Sustainable Development: Opportunities and Challenges’.

Wednesday 15 May

  • 8:00-9:30: Lucilla Spini and Aparna Joshi, from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), who is part of the team behind TROP-ICSU, will participate in a side event on ‘Earth and Environmental Education for Sustainable Development’
  • 10:05-11.30: Heide Hackmann will moderate Session 5: A Brighter Future – Youth, Innovation Ecosystems and Development
  • 16:30-18:00: Alice Abreu will participate in Session 4 on Gender and STI for SDGs as an invited expert

The ISC will participate in sessions throughout the Forum, and also took part in the ‘Global Solutions Summit’ which was held on Monday 13 May.

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