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Five top webinars of 2020

Like everyone else, in 2020, we convened virtually. The pandemic loomed large in our online discussions, but we also made space for other equally pressing and critical conversations in science, such as combating systemic discrimination, or rethinking human development for today’s world. We selected our top 5 webinars for you to explore over this quieter period.

1. Rethinking economics in the light of COVID and future crises

This not-to-be missed webinar fosters insightful discussion from leading economic thinkers on today’s global challenges, and would benefit teachers and professors of economic science, or anyone working in the field of economics, think tanks, intergovernmental agencies and policy-making.

2. The role of science and science funders in the time of the COVID-19 crisis

The swift and unprecedented mobilization of research and funding targeting COVID-19 has been inspiring. To help stimulate and maximize the impact of this action, we organized a webinar for national research funding agencies, development aid agencies, private foundations, and the international scientific community.

3. Science in the Newsroom Global Summit 2020

What awaits us in 2021 and what lessons can we draw from COVID-19 media coverage? Watch a 4-part series on journalism in the age of pandemics:

  • Getting science right for future health crises
  • Innovative Storytelling: Data, tools and techniques for impactful, memorable journalism
  • Countering Misinformation: how you can make a difference
  • Specialist Skills: how to boost newsroom expertise whatever your budget

4. Rethinking Human Development dialogues

It has been 30 years since the first Human Development Report was published in 1990. Since that time, our world has changed considerably. We partnered with UNDP to rethink human development in today’s world. As part of it, we launched a Global Relay of Dialogues that would continue throughout 2021.

Watch the recordings of the past dialogues and register your interest for the upcoming ones.

(Interested to host your own dialogue? Register here.)

5. Combating systemic discrimination in science

With the death of George Floyd in police custody, communities around the world have again been reminded of the persistent scourge of systemic racism in all sectors of societies, including science systems.

In partnership with Falling Walls, we brought together scientists and expert commentators to discuss the transformations we need to correct systemic racism and discrimination in science, and how science and society thrives when there are alternative perspectives and collaborative actions.

What conversations would you like us to convene in 2021? Email us at [email protected].

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