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Support for the integrity of Argentina’s science system

In an letter to the network of authorities of research institutions in Argentina (RAICyT), the ISC expresses its concern regarding the future of Argentina’s science system. The ISC offers its assistance in working with local and regional communities to develop a robust science sector which contributes to Argentina’s social, environmental and economic success.

The International Science Council (ISC) is deeply concerned that the current wave of decisions affecting Argentina’s science system and infrastructure will be counterproductive. Specifically, the ISC notes:

  • the closure of Argentina’s Ministry of Science and Technology;
  • the mass dismissal of administrative staff reported throughout Argentina’s scientific institutions;
  • the freezing of funding for Argentina’s National Scientific and Technological Research Council (CONICET) and national universities to 2023 levels despite record inflation rates; and
  • the discontinuation of national research grant payments.

The ISC recognizes the difficult position of Argentina’s government as it seeks to restructure the country’s economy. Science can prove very helpful to the choices the government needs to make in rebuilding the economy. Investment for social and economic growth is critical and science is core to every domain of national development. A well-funded science and technology sector is essential for fostering innovation, driving sustainable development, and building long-term economic resilience, as demonstrated by all the world’s largest and most prosperous economies.

The ISC urges the government of Argentina to reconsider its recent decisions regarding the Argentinian science system. Advancing the country’s capacity for science, research, development, and innovation is a prerequisite investment for the future socio-economic success of Argentina and its people.

Argentina has a proud history in science and the Argentine science community is a critical resource for current and future generations. The ISC stands ready to assist to build a stronger Argentine science system, one that can and does contribute to economic recovery, productivity, social development, and the wellbeing of all Argentinians.

The ISC also stands ready to ensure Argentinian science is represented at its upcoming Global Knowledge Dialogue for Latin America and the Caribbean, to be held in Chile, 9-11 April 2024, presenting an opportunity for an open discussion on identifying regional scientific priorities, opportunities, and challenges, with a special emphasis on strategies for funding and executing sustainable science initiatives.

See the official letter.

Freedoms and Responsibilities in Science

The right to share in and to benefit from advances in science and technology is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as is the right to engage in scientific enquiry, to pursue and communicate knowledge, and to associate freely in such activities. Rights go hand in hand with responsibilities; in the responsible practice of science and the responsibility of scientists to contribute their knowledge in the public space. Both are essential to the ISC’s vision of science as a global public good.

The Council’s Committee for Freedom and Responsibility in Science (CFRS) is the guardian of the Principle of Freedom and Responsibility in Science, which is enshrined in Article 7 of the Council’s Statutes. The Committee promotes freedom for scientists to pursue knowledge and to freely exchange ideas, at the same time as advocating the responsibility of scientists to maintain scientifically defensible conclusions, and of scientific institutions to apply high standards.

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Image by Wally Gobetz on Flickr

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