Sciences Po, a social science research university with a scientific community of more than 250 researchers, empowered students of the class “Science Diplomacy: the next frontline to global challenges?” taught by Professor Stéphanie Balme, to organize the event.
Senior Director, and Head of the Centre for Science Futures, Mathieu Denis, described the importance of scientific collaboration in acting towards peace, discussing how the International Science Council’s predecessor organization ICSU had a successful history of international research collaborations between the East and West after the Second World War. Seen as an essential tool for bridge-building between nations, Mathieu Denis emphasized the need to reinvent what we now know as and what we have defined as “science diplomacy”.
“What we now call science diplomacy has a very broad umbrella. The global scientific community therefore has a shared responsibility to safeguard science, protect science systems and the knowledge they generate ”.
– Mathieu Denis, Senior Director and Head of the Centre for Science Futures.