About our 2020 Season’s Greetings Cover Image
The photo created for Cell Signaling Technology by Digizyme, is a 3D rendering of a eukaryotic cell and is modelled using X-ray, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and cryo-electron microscopy datasets for all of its molecular actors. Interactive versions of the image can be explored here. © Cell Signaling Technology, Inc. Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
For the ISC Secretariat, this image evoked a feeling of looking at a carnival or fair taken from above, a normally joyful experience where families gather to celebrate the end of the year or new beginnings, however this carnival is empty, reminding us of how the SARS-CoV-2 virus has impacted our lives.
Five Key Publications
From open science and transdisciplinary research, to accelerating sustainable development, understanding hazards, and rethinking human development, the themes of the ISC’s major publications in 2020 represent a snapshot of some of the most pressing issues for contemporary science and society.
Five Top Webinars
Like everyone else, in 2020, we convened virtually. The pandemic loomed large in our online discussions, but we also made space for other equally pressing and critical conversations in science, such as combating systemic discrimination, or rethinking human development for today’s world.
Transformations to Sustainability: Key Activities From 2020
It has been a challenging but nevertheless productive year for the Belmont Forum-NORFACE Transformations to Sustainability programme, which supports solutions-oriented research for sustainability led by social scientists and jointly produced with societal stakeholders.
Inequality in the (Post-) Pandemic City
The Global Research Programme on Inequalities (GRIP) miniseries on COVID-19 and global dimensions of inequality was a much-read series during the height of the first wave of the pandemic, so we thought we would return to GRIP and share with the ISC community its new series on inequalities in the (Post-) Pandemic City.