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Bursaries – Third ISC General Assembly

Apply for a bursary to attend the ISC General Assembly by 8 September.


ISC Member representatives are expected to cover their own costs. The ISC and our hosts in Oman can offer a limited number of bursaries to subsidize the participation of representatives of ISC Members in low- and lower-middle-income countries or in the lower bands of the ISC dues scale. If you would like to be considered for a bursary, please complete the online form “Apply for a bursary” below by 8 September.

Please note that a maximum of one delegate per ISC Member organization will be granted a bursary. If your Member organization has not yet decided who will be representing the Member at the General Assembly, your organization can still apply for a bursary now (by 8 September), and confirm your delegate at a later stage via the online registration form (before 30 November).

Apply for a bursary

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Contact details

Your Name
Request for financial support
Data protection: Please see below the link to the ISC privacy policy data protection. Participants should be aware that the ISC will hold the information submitted for the duration of the event and follow-up communication.


Anne Thieme

Anne Thieme

Membership Liaison Officer

International Science Council

Anne Thieme
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