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African Scientists Directory launched

The searchable online directory aims to support connectivity and collaboration between scientists across Africa.

With Africa at the forefront of international scientific efforts such as the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project, and the number of researchers increasing in most African countries (UNESCO Institute for Statistics), it’s an exciting time for African science.

To help create a vibrant and well-connected African science community, the ISC Regional Office for Africa has launched the African Scientists Directory in partnership with the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf).

“This connectivity will increase connection and partnerships among the academics in Africa and Diaspora. It will realise immeasurable results among African scientists more than any other time in history.”

Joash Migosi, University of Nairobi, speaking on the launch of the platform.

By supporting open sharing of findings and expertise, the Directory aims to spark connections and collaboration between scientists across different African countries, in order to find local solutions to challenges faced on the continent. The importance of supporting collaboration and creating enabling environments for African scientists was highlighted as an essential priority for making progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals in a recent publication from the ISC’s Leading Integrated Research for Agenda 2030 in Africa (LIRA 2030 Africa) programme.  

By bringing together scientists in a collective way, the Directory aims to promote and facilitate the formation of scientific societies and academies on the continent as well as sub-regional partnerships. By registering for the Directory, individual scientists can help find new connections across their countries and disciplines, and help others to find them. As well as being a resource for scientists themselves, it’s hoped that the directory could also boost the representation of African scientists by supporting connections with other stakeholders, such as science journalists, conference organizers looking for speakers on a particular topic, and research funders. 

It’s open now, and registration takes only a few minutes. 

The African Scientists Directory was collaboratively developed by the International Science Council (ISC) Regional Office for Africa (ROA) and the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), with funding made available by the South African Department of Science and Innovation. It is currently maintained by ISC ROA, with support from partners listed below. The directory was officially launched on 25 May 2020, as part of virtual Africa Day celebrations.

Photo: CMAPPING for International Science Council.

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