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Meeting With Ambato’s Prefect

Dr Manuel Limonta, representing ISC ROLAC, visited the city of Ambato. Dr Manuel Caizanbanda, Ambato’s Prefect, received Dr Limonta, and joined him on various meetings.

This past July 1st, Dr. Manuel Limonta, representing ISC ROLAC, visited Ambato, Ecuador. He met with Dr. Manuel Caizabanda, who is the prefect of the city of Ambato. There were discussions about the upcoming International Urban Health Workshop that will take place in El Salvador at the end of September. Dr. Caizabanda was invited to this workshop and he gladly received the invitation. One of the main goals of this trip was to continue talks about Ecuador joining ISC. Said talks have advanced, and are now waiting for a reply from the Minister at the Secretariat of Higher Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation (SENESCYT).

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