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Notice of extraordinary General Assembly, 28-29 February 2024

The extraordinary General Assembly will take place virtually.  

Dear ISC Members,   

As you are aware, the Governing Board at the end of 2022 launched a process to revise the ISC Statutes and Rules of Procedure to tackle certain challenges in governance and membership, some of which had been inherited from the merger of ICSU and the ISSC and others of which had emerged as the ISC consolidated itself and reviewed its mission in a rapidly changing world.  

In anticipation of the need to revise the ISC Statutes and Rules of Procedure in good time to be applied to the next Governing Board election process leading up to the General Assembly in Oman in January 2025, the Governing Board is calling a virtual extraordinary General Assembly on 28–29 February 2024.  

Please save these dates. More details about timing and format will follow.   

A dedicated Working Group chaired by Dr Julie Maxton has been applying themselves to the task of revising the Statutes and Rules of Procedure since January 2023. They consulted the Members on a high-level set of discussion points in May this year, following which they produced a zero draft of new Statutes and Rules of Procedure which have recently been shared with the Members for consultation. Several virtual meetings with members will take place in September and October 2023 to discuss and fine-tune the proposed changes with Members. Written feedback is also being accepted.  

The Working Group will soon share a document setting out the most viable options for the transition from the current Governing Board arrangements to a staggered arrangement. The Members will also be consulted on those options in a dedicated meeting.  

Following the consultation process in September/October this year, the Working Group will consolidate the inputs received and make its final recommendations to the Governing Board. The Governing Board will finalize the proposed revisions to the Statutes and Rules of Procedure and the Governing Board transition options, including a legal review, and aim to share those documents for consideration of the General Assembly by the beginning of December. No other business is foreseen at the extraordinary General Assembly.   

In accordance with the current Statutes, we will require a quorum of 50% and the approval of two thirds of those who vote to support changes to the Statutes and an absolute majority for changes to the rules of procedure. It will be possible to vote electronically in advance. Only Category 1 and 2 in good standing will be able to vote on this very important set of revisions.    

For further information, please direct your questions to the ISC Membership Liaison Officer, Anne Thieme: [email protected]


Peter Gluckman

ISC President

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