Dr. Manuel Limonta, joined by other members of the ISC ROLAC Secretariat, met with the Minister of Governance, Lic. Arisitides Valencia, and other members of the urban health working group to discuss the urban health project, and what programs are being done to move forward with the said project.
On June 15th, members of the ISC ROLAC Secretariat met with the Minister of Governance and members of the urban health working group. The meeting began with some welcome words given by the Minister Lic. Aristides Valencia, who thanked all the participants for attending the meeting. Then, MD. Jorge Irazola, representative of Medicus Mundi, briefly talked about international cooperation given to the project, emphasizing the aspects in which his organization has been involved in. Then, Dr. Manuel Limonta, ISC ROLAC Regional Director, presented about some of the actions carried out in the international agenda, highlighting the interest of China in knowing in more detail about the Salvadoran model.
Then, representatives of the different members of the ISC ROLAC working Group presented some laws and regulations promoted by the different ministries. The following ministries presented their actions in the frame of Urban Health: Ministry of Education; vice ministry of Living and Urban Development (MOP); vice ministry of Transportation (MOP), National Secretary of Culture; INDES, vice ministry of Social Prevention,
Programs related to Urban Health that have legal anchoring or that are in that process (listed by ministries):
MINED: Ministry of Education.
MOP: Housing and Urban Development
Vice Ministry of Social Prevention, PREPAZ:
National Secretary of Culture
Sports National Institute