32nd ICSU General Assembly

The International Council for Science (ICSU) is pleased to extend an invitation to its National and Union Members, Scientific Associates, Interdisciplinary Bodies, Joint Initiatives and Policy Committees, as well as partner organizations, to attend the 32nd ICSU General Assembly on 23-26 October 2017, including a joint meeting with the International Social Science Council (ISSC) on 25-26 October 2017.

Add to Calendar 2017-10-21 00:00:00 UTC 2017-10-27 00:00:00 UTC UTC 32nd ICSU General Assembly

The International Council for Science (ICSU) is pleased to extend an invitation to its National and Union Members, Scientific Associates, Interdisciplinary Bodies, Joint Initiatives and Policy Committees, as well as partner organizations, to attend the 32nd ICSU General Assembly on 23-26 October 2017, including a joint meeting with the International Social Science Council (ISSC) on 25-26 October 2017.

Regent Taipei, Section 2, Zhongshan North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan

These events are being hosted by the ICSU Scientific Member in Taipei, the Academy of Sciences located in Taipei.

The formal opening of the 32nd General Assembly will take place at mid-day on 23 October, the first part of the Assembly will conclude in the evening of 24 October, and will be followed by a two day joint meeting with ISSC on 25 and 26 October. During the joint meeting Members will discuss the proposed strategy and structural modalities for a possible merger between the two organisations, and make a final decision on the merger. Associated meetings will be held prior to and immediately following the General Assembly.

Registration – Closed

Online registration to the General Assembly is closed.


All persons wishing to participate in the General Assembly (regardless of whether they need a hotel room or not) must register online in order to be included in the List of Participants. Online registration will close on 3 October 2017.

Via the online form ICSU members and invited to :

  • Register to the ICSU General Assembly (23-24 October) and the joint ICSU-ISSC meeting (25-26 October).
  • Book accommodation in Taipei. The details of hotels pre-booked for General Assembly participants are included in the online registration, where you are able to book your accommodation directly.
  • Register to the International Symposium on Sustainability Science organized by the Academy of Sciences located in Taipei on 22 October and to the following dinner.
  • Register to the Field Trips organized by the Academy of Sciences located in Taipei on 27 October, free of charge.
  • Indicate if you are planning to present a poster
  • Indicate if you need a visa letter



Programme of the 32nd ICSU General Assembly, joint ICSU-ISSC meeting and associated programmes (21-27 October 2017)

Practical Information


The General Assembly will be held at The Regent Taipei Hotel

No. 3, Ln. 39, Sec. 2 ZhongShan N. Rd., Taipei 104
Tel: +886 2 2521 5000; Fax: +886 2 2523 4848

Website: http://regenthotels.com/regent-taipei


Details of hotels will be included in the online registration, where you will be able to book your accommodation directly. Hotels for participants will provide special rates and a reservation form will be provided with the registration. This form should be downloaded, filled, emailed or faxed directly to the hotels.


Lunch: The Academy of Sciences located in Taipei is generously providing lunch on 23, 24, 25 and 26 October for ICSU and ISSC participants.



  • A cocktail for ICSU participants will be provided by ICSU on 23 October.
  • A joint dinner with ICSU and ISSC participants will be provided on 25 October.
  • A cocktail will be organised on 26 October for ICSU and ISSC participants.

Accompanying persons are welcome to attend the evening functions.

Passports and Visas

Delegates will need to check if they require visas for entry to Taiwan and if so to arrange to obtain visas in good time. For details: http://www.boca.gov.tw/np.asp?ctNode=776&mp=2

Wireless Connection

There will be internet access in the conference centre and meeting room.  Information on wireless connection in the hotels will be given at the venue.

Travel and Public Transportation

Participants are expected to make their own travel arrangements to Taipei.

Taipei airport is about 35 minutes from the city and is connected by a regular bus service, metro and taxis. A taxi fare from the airport into the central city is around TWD 1200.

Health Insurance

We recommend that you have comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical expenses for the duration of your visit.


In October average low and high temperatures are 23 °C (74 °F) and 26 °C (79 °F), cooling a bit from the summer heat, especially in the north. Summer clothes are suitable during the day, but in early morning or evening you may need a light coat or a cardigan. It still rains occasionally, so an umbrella might be needed.


The local currency is the New Taiwan Dollar. 1 New Taiwan Dollar (TWD) equals 0.029 Euro and 0.031 USD.


In Taipei the power sockets are of type A and B. The standard voltage is 110 V and the standard frequency is 60 Hz. Please check if you need a power plug adapter and / or a voltage converter.

Mobile Phones

Check with your phone company before leaving home about international mobile roam facilities available in Taipei.


The Documents for the General Assembly are being posted here as they become available:


The draft Agendas and a number of meeting documents have already been posted, the remaining documents will be available after the summer break in September.

Participants are expected to bring documents with them. No hard copies will be available at the meeting.


Poster Exhibition

All National Scientific Members, International Scientific Unions, Interdisciplinary Bodies, Scientific Associates and Programmes are strongly encouraged to display a poster at the General Assembly to provide general information about your organisation and its scientific activities.

The recommended size of Posters is A0 (an international ISO 216 standard paper size 841 × 1189 mm). If you are planning to set up a poster, please indicate it on the online registration form.

The posters will be exposed at the General Assembly venue, on the 3rd floor of the Regent Taipei Hotel.



How to vote if you cannot attend?

If you are unable to attend the Assembly, Statute 22 b) stipulates that you may nominate a proxy to vote on your behalf. Such a nomination must be addressed to the ICSU Secretary General in writing prior to the session at which it is to operate.

If you are unable to attend and do not wish to nominate a proxy, please contact Nora Papp (nora.papp@icsu.org) in order to receive mail ballots for those issues on the Agenda and not arising or modified from the floor.

Both proxy and mail ballots can be important in achieving a quorum.

Add to Calendar 2017-10-21 00:00:00 UTC 2017-10-27 00:00:00 UTC UTC 32nd ICSU General Assembly

The International Council for Science (ICSU) is pleased to extend an invitation to its National and Union Members, Scientific Associates, Interdisciplinary Bodies, Joint Initiatives and Policy Committees, as well as partner organizations, to attend the 32nd ICSU General Assembly on 23-26 October 2017, including a joint meeting with the International Social Science Council (ISSC) on 25-26 October 2017.

Regent Taipei, Section 2, Zhongshan North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan
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