4th Global Sustainable Technology and Innovation Community conference

26 - 28 October 2020
Add to Calendar 2020-10-26 00:00:00 UTC 2020-10-28 00:00:00 UTC UTC 4th Global Sustainable Technology and Innovation Community conference 26 - 28 October 2020 https://council.science/events/4th-global-sustainable-technology-and-innovation-community-conference/

The need for transformative changes is clear if we want to achieve the SDGs by 2030. Technology represents only one dimension of change, though. Changes in the social, financial, regulatory, institutional systems are urgently needed as well, and financial inclusion is vital. The G-STIC conference and its partner events, including the SDG Forum and the Voka Sustainable Business Day, feature tens of inspirational sessions zooming in on all these aspects of the change that we need.

Be inspired by world-renowned keynote speakers on sustainable development at the G-STIC conference
Eager to learn from champions of change sharing their story and presenting real-life examples of technological solutions for the SDGs? Which technological solutions should policy and decision-makers keep an eye on? What changes are needed to accelerate their deployment at scale? How can we strengthen cross-sectoral collaboration to address social and economic challenges related to the SDGs? Get inspired by world-renowned keynote speakers and thought leaders on sustainable development and enter into the discussion with experts and discover business opportunities for scalable technological solutions. Check the full programme of the G-STIC conference

Join Brave Blue World’s exclusive European premiere
The Brave Blue World documentary paints an optimistic picture of how humanity is adopting new technologies and innovations to re-think how we manage water. The story follows Paul O’Callaghan, a water industry expert and the CEO of BlueTech Research, visiting sites around the world that are employing novel ways of tackling existing water problems. As he meets with pioneers and innovators who are addressing global water and sanitation challenges, their stories reveal a hopeful future for our most precious resource. Watch the trailer

Discover circular business models at the Voka Sustainable Business Day
The Voka Sustainable Business Day highlights various circular business models. 88 companies will receive the UNITAR ‘SDG Pioneer’ Certificate after 3 years of successful participation in the Voka Sustainable Entrepreneurship Charter. UNITAR’s executive director Nikhil Seth will pay tribute to the laureates. Read more about the Voka Sustainable Business Day

Join the sustainable development sector at the SDG Forum
The SDG Forum is the multi-stakeholder forum on the SDGs in the Benelux which involves a wide range of sectors. It features plenary sessions assessing the implementation of the SDGs within Belgian organisations and nearly 30 workshops on a variety of themes such as SDGs and Education, SDGs and Finance, SDGs after COVID-19, SDGs and local government, SDGs and Policy guidelines. Read more about the SDG Forum

Organised by 8 international co-hosts
The G-STIC conference is hosted jointly by VITO (the prime research and technology organization on cleantech and sustainable development in Belgium) and 7 other not-for-profit independent technology research institutes: ACTS (African Centre for Technology Studies, Kenya), FIOCRUZ (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil), GIEC (Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, China), GIST (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea), IITD (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India), NACETEM (National Centre for Technology Management, Nigeria) and TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute, India).

Add to Calendar 2020-10-26 00:00:00 UTC 2020-10-28 00:00:00 UTC UTC 4th Global Sustainable Technology and Innovation Community conference 26 - 28 October 2020 https://council.science/events/4th-global-sustainable-technology-and-innovation-community-conference/
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