In a world facing global crises it is vital to connect and share our knowledge and experience. The IIASA Public Webinar series provides a platform for the science curious and enthusiasts, as well as science professionals and novices, to discuss the world’s most pressing sustainability problems and systems approaches for a better future.
IIASA Deputy Director General for Science, Leena Srivastava, will draw on her wealth of experience as a leader of scientific institutions and her role at IIASA to discuss how we can create research agendas that effectively address complex global sustainability challenges such as climate justice, energy security, and biodiversity.
The webinar will be interactive and aims to spark communication and create a space for conversation.
When: 26 January 2022, 13:30-14:30 UTC
Where: Online via Zoom (Please register to attend and you will receive a link)
The webinar will also be livestreamed on YouTube.