International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (FBAS)

Online and in Beijing, China 6-8 September
Add to Calendar 2021-09-06 00:00:00 UTC 2021-09-08 00:00:00 UTC UTC International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (FBAS) Online and in Beijing, China 6-8 September Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing International Convention Center, Beichen East Road, Asian Games Village, Chaoyang, China

The theme of the forum is “Big data for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals”, with a special focus on “building a digital silk road and global partnership for sustainable development goals”, “innovation and demonstration of big data applications for sustainable development”, “cutting-edge technologies and information platforms for sustainable development goals assessment”, “Digital Earth and sustainable development”, and “research on Big Earth Data to support sustainable development goals”.

The forum will be undertaken by the International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences Aerospace Information Research Institute. CBAS aims to be a public science and technology platform and research institution for big data for sustainable development, a center for scientific research on sustainable development, a center for data information services and technological innovation, a high-end global think tank on sustainable development, and a center for capacity building in talent training and training to serve relevant United Nations agencies and the Member States in implementing the 2030 Agenda.

Scientific and technological innovation plays an important role in supporting the realization of SDGs. The International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development will be an international academic conference with a significant international impact in the field of big data and sustainable development. It will promote the sharing of big data methods, technologies and knowledge for sustainable development, and build a global academic exchange platform for the United Nations technology facilitation mechanism to support the achievement of SDGs.

Add to Calendar 2021-09-06 00:00:00 UTC 2021-09-08 00:00:00 UTC UTC International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (FBAS) Online and in Beijing, China 6-8 September Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing International Convention Center, Beichen East Road, Asian Games Village, Chaoyang, China
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