IUPAB Young Scientist Program webinar series: Bioenergetics and Metabolism

4 August 2021 14:00 UTC -3:00
Add to Calendar 2021-08-04 00:00:00 UTC 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC UTC IUPAB Young Scientist Program webinar series: Bioenergetics and Metabolism 4 August 2021 14:00 UTC -3:00 https://council.science/events/iupab-bioenergetics-and-metabolism/

Mitochondria, Diets and Calcium: a Metabolic Triad
Dr. Alicia Kowaltowski, IQ-USP

Young Scientists

The p-chloro-diphenyl diselenide (p-ClPhSe)2, an organoselenium compounds, modulates the glycolytic pathway through an insulin-mimetic action in different experimental models.
Caroline B. Quines (Universidade Federal do Pampa, Brazil)

Metabolic characterization of whole, parotid and submandibular saliva: a valuable tool for diagnostic
Eleonora Quartieri (University of Parma, Italy)

Transport and mechanical properties of mitochondria
Augustina Belén F. Casafuz (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)

About the webinar series

As part of the scientific activities of the 2021 IUPAB-SBBq-SBBf virtual meeting, a Young Scientist Program Webinar series is held between May and September, covering different areas of biochemistry and biophysics.

The webinars comprise a 40 min talk from a leading scientist in the field and three to four short talks from young scientists from different parts of the world, selected from senior graduate students and recent PhDs candidates worldwide.

The talks are followed by time to questions and discussion in a 2h total activity. The YSP webinar series will be a unique opportunity for the discussion of novel scientific results and ideas in forefront areas of research in Biochemistry and Biophysics.

Photo by Steven Lelham on Unsplash

Add to Calendar 2021-08-04 00:00:00 UTC 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC UTC IUPAB Young Scientist Program webinar series: Bioenergetics and Metabolism 4 August 2021 14:00 UTC -3:00 https://council.science/events/iupab-bioenergetics-and-metabolism/
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