
Browse events from the ISC and our broader community.

4 December 2017 - 15 December 2017

CODATA-RDA School of Research Data Science

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3 July 2018 - 5 July 2018

Founding General Assembly of the International Science Council

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7 February 2018 - 13 February 2018

9th World Urban Forum 2018

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5 March 2018 - 7 March 2018

Cities IPCC Conference 2018

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5 March 2018 - 6 March 2018

24th CFRS Meeting

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5 March 2018 - 8 March 2018

20th ICSU RCA Meeting and ICSU CFRS Workshop

Learn more Learn more about 20th ICSU RCA Meeting and ICSU CFRS Workshop
7 March 2018 - 8 March 2018

Workshop: Shaping the future of researchers in developing countries

Learn more Learn more about Workshop: Shaping the future of researchers in developing countries
17 March 2018 - 24 March 2018

IPBES Sixth Plenary

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26 March 2018 - 28 March 2018

Next Einstein Forum Global Gathering 2018

Learn more Learn more about Next Einstein Forum Global Gathering 2018
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