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UNDP #30YearsofHDR Dialogue: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back. Where are we heading with gender equality?

25 November 2020 03:00 PM GMT
Add to Calendar 2020-11-25 00:00:00 UTC 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC UTC UNDP #30YearsofHDR Dialogue: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back. Where are we heading with gender equality? 25 November 2020 03:00 PM GMT

Where are we really on #genderequality? Will the current policies work for the road ahead? Join for a #30YearsofHDR dialogue, featuring leading thinkers who will consider the past to derive lessons for today and the future.

Gender gaps have been closing over the past decades in areas like education and health, but in dimensions of greater empowerment, the pushback against women’s rights is becoming stronger and putting hard-won gains at risk. About 50 percent of men and women interviewed across 77 countries say they think men make better political leaders than women, while more than 40 percent felt that men made better business executives. This isn’t just a gender gap. It’s a power gap.

The COVID-19 Pandemic is acting like an X-ray in this regard: the recently-launched COVID-19 Global Gender Response Tracker from UNDP and UN Women revealed that most of the world’s nations are not doing enough to protect women and girls from the economic and social fallout from the pandemic. Only 20 percent of countries have any gender-sensitive measures in response to COVID-19.

Against this troubling backdrop, this dialogue will look to the past and present– reviewing both key areas of progress and obstacles – to understand what we need to take us forward in achieving gender equality.

Add to Calendar 2020-11-25 00:00:00 UTC 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC UTC UNDP #30YearsofHDR Dialogue: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back. Where are we heading with gender equality? 25 November 2020 03:00 PM GMT
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