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Association of Asian Social Science Research Councils (AASSREC)

The Association of Asian Social Science Research Councils has been a member since 2020.

The Association of Asian Social Science Research Councils (AASSREC) is an organization of national social science research councils, academies, and institutes committed to the promotion of regional cooperation in the field of social sciences among Asia-Pacific countries.

Founded in 1973, at a UNESCO general conference, AASSREC seeks to promote:

  • collaborative research among scholars in the region;
  • the exchange of scholarly publications and information among Asian social science institutions and individuals; and
  • exchange visits among researchers and scholars from its member-countries.

AASSREC’s regular activities include: the conduct of biennial general conferences and the publication of conference papers and proceedings; the conduct of collaborative research programs on specific problems of common interest to Asia-Pacific countries; and the assessment of trends in social science research and teaching in the Asia-Pacific region.

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