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Indonesia, National Research and Innovation Agency Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN)

The Indonesian Institute of Sciences has been a member since 1931 and has recently merged to form BRIN

The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) was initiated in the early 16th century, with the study of Rumphius on the Indonesian flora. In 1817, Reinwardt established Land’s Plantentuin, a botanical garden in Bogor, South of Jakarta. In 1928, the government of the Netherlands-Indies founded the Netherlands-Indies Council for Natural Science. The Council for Science of Indonesia or Majelis Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (MIPI) was founded in 1956. Twelwe years later, in 1967, LIPI, the Indonesian Institute of Sciences took over the task of the Council.

LIPI reports directly to the President of the Republic of Indonesia. Its main tasks are to assist the President in organizing research and development, to provide guidance and services in science and technology, and advise the government on national science and technology policy.

The functions of LIPI are to: 1) conduct research and development of science and technology; 2) provide guidance on the development of science and technology; 3) encourage and develop science consciousness among the Indonesian people; 4) encourage and develop the scientific community; 5) develop cooperation with national as well as international scientific bodies in accordance with the existing laws and regulations; 6) provide services relating to science and technology, and 7) advise the government on the formulation of national policy on science and technology.

LIPI employs 4,668 personnel, including 909 researchers in 18 research and development centres and a Center for Scientific Documentation and Information under four deputies: Social Sciences and Humanities, Natural Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Development of Scientific Infrastructure, and General Affairs.

In September 2021, LIPI was merged with the National Research and Innovation Agency Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN).

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