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Malaysia, Academy of Sciences Malaysia

The Academy of Sciences Malaysia has been a member since 1977.

The Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) is a statutory body which was established through an Act of Parliament, the Academy of Sciences Malaysia Act 1994. It started operations on 1 February 1995 with 50 Foundation Fellows but has grown multiple times since then.

The Academy’s membership is drawn from Malaysian experts in the natural and formal sciences, social sciences and humanities, engineering, and technology at the highest levels in the country. Its expert network now numbers more than 800 which are spread across the disciplines of Engineering Sciences, Medical and Health Sciences, Biological and Environmental Sciences, Information Technology and Computer Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Mathematics, Physics and Earth Sciences, Science and Technology Development and Industry, and Social Sciences and Humanities.

ASM contributes to and is an active member of many international and regional networks and activities. These include the International Science Council (ISC), Inter-Academy Partnership (IAP), The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), the Science Council of Asia (SCA) and the Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA), to name but a few. In addition, ASM hosts the International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation (ISTIC), which is a UNESCO Category 2 Centre.

With its ethos “Think Science, Celebrate Technology, Inspire Innovation”, ASM strives to be the nation’s foremost Thought Leader in Science, Technology, Innovation and Economy (STIE), in line with the nation’s goal of becoming a progressive, harmonious, prosperous, and sustainable society.

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