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Mauritius, Mauritius Academy of Science (MAST)

Mauritius Academy of Science and Technology has been a member since 2005.

In 2006, a group of concerned scientists and technologists of wide experience met for the first time at the Mauritius Research Council to discuss ways and means to set up an Academy of Science for Mauritius. The objective of the academy was to act like an independent high-level think-tank on science and technology issues that affect the country, and to advise those in government and the private sector accordingly. The academy was to be purely a scientific and technological organization having membership of local and diaspora Mauritians. The Academy was formally launched in 2007.

MAST activities are organized by an executive council of 11 members, renewed by election at an assembly every two years. True to its mission of strengthening the dialogue between scientists and policymakers, the MAST Council took the decision to constitute a working groups with the objective to discuss global themes with a national focus leading to policy recommendations, so that science can contribute to sustainable development. Examples of themes that have been discussed are ‘Food security’, ‘COVID-19 pandemic’,  ‘Science, Technology and Societal Issues’ andScience Education in the broad context of STEM’. In each case, a policy/strategy paper was issued. Since 2007, MAST has been issuing an online newsletter and an annual or biennial journal.

In addition to ISC membership, MAST is a member of NASAC and the IAP, and participates regularly in their actions. MAST also keeps close working relations with several academies of science, such as ASSAf, INSA, AAS, The Royal Society, l’Academie des Sciences de Paris, amongst others.

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