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Mozambique, Scientific Research Association of Mozambique (AICIMO)

The Scientific Research Association of Mozambique (AICIMO) has been a member since 1999.

Founded in 1995, the Scientific Research Association of Mozambique (AICIMO) is an independent, non-governmental and multidisciplinary scientific organization whose plans and objectives are oriented towards the creation of solid scientific bases for development of science, the country and region. Its objectives are:

  • Scientific research on behalf of science development;
  • Scientific research as a response for technical, socio-economical, political and cultural needs:
    • research into the economic development manners of the country with support on science through works of scientific research according to the defined priorities of AICIMO Programme,
    • scientific response of the socio-economic aspects of the country and regional activities, establishing into proper statistics for future use


  • to assist the socio-economic and political organizations to regulate their activities for development based on science & logic
  • to render assistance to individuals

The Association is organized into 3 Departments namely Social Sciences, Exact Sciences and Technical Sciences. Scientists from different countries are progressively joining and becoming members of AICIMO.

AICIMO has established close relations and cooperation with different national and international scientific research institutions and signed agreements of cooperation with some of these institutions to exchange ideas, experience and development of joint scientific research projects. It has over 31 researchers, from various scientific fields. Various national and joint regional scientific research projects are presently in progress.

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