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Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR)

The Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) works to further international scientific activity in all branches of oceanic research.

The Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) was established by the Executive Board of the International Council of Scientific Unions, our predecessor organization, in Brussels in July 1957 and was our first permanent interdisciplinary body. Recognition that the scientific problems of the ocean require a truly interdisciplinary approach was embodied in plans for the International Geophysical Year of 1957-1958, and the same approach was adopted by SCOR from its beginning. SCOR took the responsibility from 1957 to bring together ocean scientists from all parts of the world, through a variety of mechanisms, to advance ocean science and overcome barriers to understanding the ocean. More than 2,000 individuals have been involved in SCOR since its beginning in 1957.

SCOR aims at advancing scientific knowledge in marine science. To do so, SCOR examines problems and identifies scientific questions that would benefit from enhanced international action, including improvement of scientific methods, design of critical experiments and scientific programmes, fosters recognition of individual marine scientists, supports capacity development activities, presents the views of marine scientists to the relevant international organizations, and co-operates with national and international organizations concerned with scientific and policy aspects of ocean research and related activities.

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⭐ The ISC and SCOR

SCOR is a thematic committee of the International Science Council. Its purpose is to further international scientific activity in all branches of oceanic research. SCOR seeks the views of marine scientists and interested ISC bodies on scientific aspects of international ocean activities. The ISC contributes to the development and approves strategy and activity plans, as well as associated budgets. The ISC is also in charge of reviewing SCOR, defining review terms of reference, appointing review panel members, funding and science officers.

SCOR has Representative Members that are elected representatives of Affiliated Organizations (ex-officio), active SCOR Subsidiary Bodies (ex-officio), the SCOR Scientific Rapporteurs (ex-officio), and the nominees of ISC, its Scientific Unions and its Scientific Committees (those willing to participate and agreed by SCOR). The President of the ISC (or a designee) is a Representative Member of SCOR and an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is responsible for dealing with all matters concerning SCOR’s work between annual meetings.

Image by NASA on Unsplash

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