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Join the WhatsApp Community for ISC Members

Receive opportunities for engagement, calls to action and further information on ISC iniatives directly on your mobile phone.

The ISC WhatsApp community aims to foster engagement among the ISC membership and is targeted at ISC Member representatives and focal points as well as Presidents, Executive Directors and other members of ISC governing and executive councils.

Join the ISC WhatsApp community to participate in discussions on different topics and benefit from regular exchanges with representatives of other ISC Member organizations.

Upon joining the community, participants are welcome to create groups on topics of their interest and join groups created by others.

In addition, the WhatsApp community offers an ISC news feed to keep ISC Member representatives updated regarding current and upcoming ISC events and opportunities for collaboration.

Subscribe to the ISC WhatsApp community below or send a WhatsApp message to Anne Thieme, ISC Membership Liaison Officer (+33 6 42 79 37 71) to be added.

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