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Call for nominations: Members for the Liaison Committee of the ISC Regional Focal Point for the Latin American and Caribbean Region

Submit your nomination(s) until 15 March 2022 (extended deadline)

In December 2021, the ISC signed an agreement with the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences over the establishment, administration and management of an ISC Regional Focal Point (RFP) for the Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) region during the 2022 – 2024 term.

Globe showing South America

👉 Read the announcement on the launch of the new ISC regional presence in the Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) region

The Regional Focal Point operates under the advice and guidance of a Liaison Committee, which is chaired by Enrique Forero, President of the Colombian Academy, and supported by Carolina Santacruz-Pérez, ISC Science Officer based at the Colombian Academy.

The ISC is now seeking nominations for candidates interested to serve on the Liaison Committee. The qualifications required to become a member of the committee include:

  • Being involved with an ISC Member organization of any category
  • Experience in developing regional and/or national science networks
  • Experience in science-policy and science-societal interactions
  • Outstanding networks and convening power in the scientific, policy, business or any other sector relevant to the ISC’s mission and objectives

👉 Please find more information on the duties and work modalities of committee members in the Terms of Reference.

Should you be interested to nominate candidates for the committee, please complete the online form below by 15 March (extended deadline).

Online form to nominate members for the Liaison Committee of the ISC Regional Focal Point for the Latin American and Caribbean Region

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the ISC Membership Liaison Officer Anne Thieme.

Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

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