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Earth Day 2021: we need bold, creative, innovative solutions

Earth Day organizers are calling for transformational change and solutions to our cascading crises.

Earth Day, celebrated on 22 April each year, is widely recognized as the largest secular observance in the world, marked by more than a billion people every year as a day of action to change human behavior and create global, national and local policy changes. 

To mark the 51st Earth Day and its theme “Restore Our Earth”, the ISC looks back on some of its articles that inspire the key themes raised by Earth Day organizers: 

Climate and environmental literacy

Taking stock of progress on global change

We talk to Bob Watson about the latest scientific findings and progress towards international agreements.

Climate restoration technologies 

Where does the heat go?

A new report on the Earth Energy Imbalance answers the question and calls for an enhanced and robust climate observing system.

Reforestation efforts 

Forest aerial view

Forest Restoration: a path to recovery and well-being

Explore the importance of restoring and sustainably managing forests in addressing the climate-change and biodiversity crises.

Regenerative agriculture 

Efficiency must go hand-in-hand with equity to build resilient food systems

Resilient food systems are inclusive food systems. We need to include all relevant stakeholders in co-developing resilient and sustainable food systems.

Equity and environmental justice 

A New Future for Conservation: Setting out the principles of post-growth conservation

The prospects for Earth’s biological diversity look increasingly bleak. Here are 12 principles that could guide us forward.

Citizen science 

Citizen scientists: perhaps without a degree but certainly making a difference

Anyone can be a citizen scientist and assist in capturing data that will help research. Read about a project in Limpopo where farmers are helping to collect data.

Image by Ben White on Unsplash

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