ICSU ROLAC participated in the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research meeting of the Scientific Collaboration Networking Program (CRN 3), held from November 29 to December 1, 2017 in Cancun, Mexico.
The Inter-American Institution for Global Change Research meeting of the Scientific Collaboration Networking Program (CRN 3), which was held from November 29 to December 1, 2017 in Cancun, Mexico. With the participation of more than 40 IAI scientists, leaders in the management of projects financed by the IAI in the Americas, and representatives of the IAI Executive Board
The experts from the countries of the region presented the results of their research on several topics of global change, such as climate, hydrology, oceans, atmosphere, biodiversity and ecosystems, among others. As well as a discussion developed with the researchers about the communication of science for the decision-making process.
The ROLAC (El Salvador, C.A.) Attended to the meeting represented by Licda. Claudia Marroquín, who was able to learn about the different activities and programs the IAI is developing in the region with the purpose of creating bridges for future mutual collaboration between the AIA and ICSU ROLAC.